Hello everyone. Welcome to my website. In this blog, I will discuss various things a new parent learns in the first year. In other words, we will discuss milestones in your baby’s first year of life.
Let’s talk about the milestones approved by health organisations that we should look out for in our baby’s healthy development in their first year of life.
Newborn baby milestones
A newborn baby’s (full term) weight ranges from 2.5- 4 kg (5.5- 9 pounds).
A full term newborn’s height ranges between 46-53 cm ( 18-21 inches) in length.
Head Circumference of a newborn is around 35 cm (14 inches).
Newborn baby has weak neck muscles so the head needs to be supported at all times. Not only the neck, but overall muscles are weak so they can’t sit or stand.
Newborns have a grasp reflex in their hands. Their hands will be closed most of the time.
If they are put facing their tummy towards the floor, their head will be turned to one side. They won’t be able to lift their heads. Knees are mostly drawn near the tummy.
Eyesight is not properly developed in newborns. They have clear vision for around 20 cm only. Their eyes are sensitive to light so they keep their eyes closed under bright light.
Newborns sleep most of the time giving you the opportunity to relax and let your body heal. Feeding, sleeping and pooping/peeing are the only jobs of newborns. So you might have to wake them up for feed. Don’t forget to burp them after every feed.
3 months old baby milestones
Neck muscles develop but still the head needs to be supported at all times.
Sitting or standing without support is not possible at this stage. If they are made to stand, the leg muscles can bear the weight for some time but they are not completely straight.
Tummy time should be introduced at around 1-2 months, so it should be better now. It means the baby can lie with the tummy facing the floor and should be able to raise his/her head slightly.
At this stage, they lose the grasp reflex and hands are not closed much. They might be able to hold any toy or stuff for a few seconds.
Eyesight has developed but still they are short-sighted. At this phase, they start concentrating on things around them. They are fascinated by their own hands, legs or any toy dangled in front of them. They might smile at carers or family around.

6 months old baby milestones
By 6 months of age, babies almost double their birth weight.
Their height growth is 1.5-2.5 cm every month for the first 6 months.
Neck muscles develop well by now, so the head doesn’t need to be supported now. While sitting, they can keep their body upright with support. They can stand with straight legs, but with support.
By this time, babies can lie on their tummy with their head easily raised. They can also roll from one side to another.
Hand muscles are also better developed now. They can easily grasp objects now.
Eyesight has also improved now.
They start making cute baby noises. This is an exploratory phase for them and they might start putting stuff in their mouth so always keep an eye on them.
Now is the time when weaning starts. Weaning is the transition from milk to semi solids. You can check my other blog on this topic here.
9 months old baby milestones
At this time, babies can sit firmly without support for a little while.
They can stand with support and might be able to walk small steps.
Babies can crawl by this time. So it is time to baby proof home and keep dangerous stuff in higher cabinets.
They can easily grasp small objects or moving objects now.
Around 7-9 months, babies might start showing their first teeth. The lower incisors will be the first to appear. These cute pearl shaped teeth are very sharp.
They must have said their first word/s like mama, papa, dada by now.
1 year old baby milestones
Around their first birthday, babies almost triple their birth weight.
‘In the 6-12 months phase, the baby’s height grows by around 1 cm every month.https://www.who.int/tools/child-growth-standards/standards
They can sit without support and turn around freely.
Some babies are able to walk unsupported by their first birthday while some might be able to after a few months.
Their eyesight is better developed now and they can see far objects better.
Your baby might have few teeth by now and probably experiencing teething troubles. Applying cooling gels or giving cucumber might help ease their pain. It might be a good time to introduce a finger toothbrush with fluoride free toothpaste for your child.
Around their first birthday, your little one might be able to say a few words.
They might be able to hold some toy or food in their hands now.
Points to note
- Newborns have a weak immune system, so sanitise your hands before handling them. If you are breastfeeding your baby, clean your nipples with warm water before and after feeding.
- These developmental milestones during your baby’s first year are just a guideline. Some babies achieve them early, while for some there might be developmental delay. If you feel there is a delay, consult your paediatrician.
- It is important to baby proof the house when babies start crawling. Bins need to be hidden, medications need to be kept locked, cleaning or any other chemical products need to be kept out of reach of children.
- Encourage your baby to walk and speak. They may not be able to respond verbally but still it is a good idea to talk to them. They might reply by smiles or making cute noises.
- Try to include storytime early. There are different types of books which might aid in their development process.
I hope you enjoyed this article. As parents, all these seem important milestones in baby’s development. But, a healthy growth comprises of physical activities as well as healthy height and weight development.
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