Welcome to my website. In today’s blog, we will discuss why can’t a girl child complete a family???? Are you a female or have given birth to a girl baby?? Have you ever faced bias from society or near ones for this reason?? If yes, then read it and share it with people who might need it.
I have been unlucky in many things but the one thing I feel purely blessed with is having loving and supportive parents. I have the best parents who have loved and pampered me a lot. They never made me feel inferior just because I was a girl. I was given equal opportunities, love, and support as my elder brother.
My experience
So when I got pregnant, I just prayed for a healthy child. No preferences for a son. We were in the UK for the initial 22 weeks of my pregnancy. In the 20th-week scan, I was informed that it was a girl child. I was thrilled and even named my baby.
Weeks passed and I delivered a baby girl. I was thrilled to hold her in my arms. That night, I didn’t sleep at all. I was just watching my angel and felt our family was complete.
Unfortunately, society didn’t think so. It’s sad & tragic to know that even today people feel that a boy child is needed to complete a family. And I am sure, I am not the only one to face all this nonsense. Many women must have faced more troublesome things. Some are even forced to abort the girl child. Some are abused and demeaned if they give birth to a daughter. On the other hand, I have also met a few women who feel superior if they give birth to a son.
If a couple doesn’t want parental responsibilities and decides not to have kids, it is perfectly fine. Their happiness completes their family. Likewise if a couple have a child, that baby completes the family regardless of his/her gender.
Biological fact
So here is a biological fact that may amuse some. It is basic biology taught in schools which many seem to have forgotten.
Chromosomes determine the sex of the baby.
Males have XY chromosomes while a female has XX chromosomes.
Father’s sperm contains half X and half Y chromosomes while the mother’s egg contains X chromosomes only.
During fertilisation, if X chromosomes from the father meet the X chromosomes of the mother, it results in XX (a girl child).
But, if the Y chromosomes from the father meet the X chromosomes of the mother, it results in XY (a boy child).
So there are 50% chances of the child being a boy or girl.

It is God’s choice on how to bless us. But biologically, it is the father who should be blamed or praised for having a boy/girl child.
So all the people who demean a woman for having a daughter, please think carefully.
Mostly it is a woman who demeans other women. I intend to raise a child who will not demean others.
A girl child is not a burden on earth or her parents. Those who think such are a burden on earth and shame on humanity. We all are God’s creation and equal. Let’s treat everyone with love and care.
Thank you!
I hope this was a good read. Do share this article with people who might need to learn or re-learn this basic and simple informative fact. If anyone makes you or your girl child feel inferior, ask them why can’t a girl child complete a family? Ask them what is special in a boy child? It’s high time that we need to rejoice on birth of a healthy kid regardless of gender.
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