Hello everyone. I recently did a live session on this topic. We discussed about pros and cons of books and gadgets. I personally feel books are better than gadgets. So, here I am sharing my views on this topic.
I have always loved reading novels and prefer them over watching tv. My daughter had no screen time till 18 months of age. After that, she had screen time of about 30 minutes – 1 hour a day. All was well till covid struck and screen time increased to 2-3 hours. Now I was not able to take her out in parks or anywhere. My motto is to keep it as short as possible. Coming from a healthcare profession, I had strict rules regarding screen time. During meals, screen time was strictly prohibited. The only exceptions were when she was sick.
As I introduced her to books early, she is an avid reader like me. At 5 years of age, she has written a few short stories. So, I have personally experienced the positive effects of books. She is the reason I wrote children’s storybooks. And that’s the reason I prefer books over gadgets.
Are books better than gadgets??
My opinion on 7 hours of screen time due to online classes.
7 hours is too long in my opinion. But covid has changed everything so given the situation, online classes are unavoidable. Useless browsing, gaming, etc can be stopped and it might be better.
Schools have replaced books. Is this tech-based education progressive or damaging?
This is a complicated question. As parents, we want to keep our kids safe from covid, so we prefer online classes which increase screen time. But we should try that apart from classes, there should not be extra screen time. It should be managed well by school authorities so that students are given frequent breaks to relax their eyes. Continued exposure will lead to dry eyes, burning sensations in the eyes, and back pain due to long sitting hours. Gadgets emit blue lights which hamper sleep due to reduced production of melatonin (a hormone). There should be strict discipline to use books at home. At school, kids can use gadgets as this might reduce the burden of school bags. Heavy school bags might cause other health issues like back pain. Minimising is the key.
Have gadgets like Kindle led to the elimination of books?
Don’t agree that it has led to the elimination of books but yes definitely reduced. I also have a Kindle but I use it only during traveling. Normally I read books and I know many people who prefer books. Both have their share of advantages and disadvantages and it depends on personal preference.
Benefits of storybooks over gadgets
There are some advantages of gadgets but I feel the risks outweigh them. Good things come at a cost as ebooks are way cheaper than physical books.
Does high screen time lead to a less happy life?
Yes, I feel kids with high screen time face difficulties in socialising with friends. Parents start giving gadgets as a saviour from tantrums. But soon the child gets addicted and if they don’t get gadgets on time, then they may show more tantrums and agitation. The only thing which can make such kids happy or make them eat is screen time. Suppose there is no internet or issues with your device, then what will happen to the kid. They won’t even know what dish they are eating and how it tastes.
How to save kids from digital addiction & digital arrest?
Everything is good in limit. Screen time is unavoidable in today’s world but it can be minimised. My daughter didn’t have any screen time till 18 months. After that, she had screen time of approximately 30 minutes per day. What I did was spend time with her. I used to take her for sessions in the local library. I feel it’s totally in parents’ hands if they are willing to devote some time to their kids. There are many activities such as play, dancing, colouring or just going out for walks with your kid. Just let your kid explore nature and surroundings. Working parents can request the caregiver to do all this. If parents will try, then definitely we can save our future generations from this addiction. We see the dangers of addiction and parents should create awareness & consciousness in kids’ minds.
WHO classified online gaming as a mental disorder. Is it apt or too harsh?
Online gaming being classified as a mental disorder is apt. As I said, everything is good in limit. It can become an addiction and cause strain on our eyes and even our mental health. Excessive gaming creates agitation and behavioural issues. Online gaming must only be used as entertainment for a limited time. Else it will ruin their health. Parents should raise awareness as it has become an issue all over the world.
How do you save kids from physical & psychological ailments?
Let us discuss the mental ill effects of gadgets. Parents are the first teachers as the kid will follow what he/ she witnesses. Then school is the place where they learn a lot of things. So as a society, we must focus on their well-being and be good role models. Many parents are not much bothered about their kids’ behaviour.
In my book, I have a story about bullying. That is partly inspired by real-life incidents my daughter faced. Few boys around 10 years old were bullying her in the park. So in my opinion, it’s their parent’s fault for not teaching their kids that a park is not private but public property. This bullying may not seem that harmful now to some people. But if ignored, these small bullies might turn into killers, rapists, and abusers. The only solution is for parents & teachers to invest time on the kids and teach them about humanity. Parents should be conscious to teach kids the long-term effects of gadgets.
Have kids become caged mentally as well as physically in the virtual prisons of online gaming & social media overuse?
Not only kids, we adults too are addicted. For adults, it is mostly work-related and we can’t do much about it. But kids can minimise it. There is some harmful content online and as parents, we should make them aware of the dangers. Parental controls should be on. These gadgets cage the kids inside the house or keep them glued to one place. This is leading to obesity. Nowadays childhood obesity is rising and it is a matter of concern. Parents have good experiences, so they need to share their experiences and make them conscious. This will free them from mental & physical cage.
It is better to invest time on kids rather than investing on gadgets for them.
Let us recap some pros and cons of books and gadgets.

Pros of reading books
- Books spark the imagination & curiosity of kids. My 5-year-old has written a few stories and she has so many ideas brimming in her head.
- Books help in improving vocabulary by introducing new words. Even I have a vocabulary section in all my stories where meanings of new words are provided.
- Story reading makes them conscious of the use of words. They are essential for early literacy skills.
- I got my kid some books that have some amazing concepts. One of them was about coping with stress and how anyone can be impacted. Another one had a concept about love. It taught how some people can fall out of love and go separate ways. These stories will help the child cope in case of any separation in families. There are a wide variety of books on nature, self-defense, arts, general info, etc. which are helpful for young minds.
- Books don’t have charging issues so can be read anytime. Also, there are no chances of the screen getting frozen or the device getting hacked.
- Books don’t emit radiation which harms the eyes. They can also be read perfectly under sunlight.
Cons of books
- Books require printing so they are a bit expensive.
- As the books have some weight, they can be cumbersome during travel.
Pros of using gadgets
- ebooks are cheap as no printing is required.
- Have advantage during travel.
Cons of using gadgets
- It can be difficult to read an ebook in sunlight.
- Gadgets need frequent charging.
- Gadgets can be hacked or the system can hang at times.
- Due to the radiation emitted, these gadgets harm the eyes. Other harmful effects include burning sensation and increased the risk of myopia and certain forms of cancer.
- Some people also experience frequent headaches.
- Due to a lack of physical activity(associated with gadget use), obesity is rising. And obesity is the root cause of numerous diseases.
- Gadgets reduce attention span and can also lead to anxiety & attention issues.
I hope this was an interesting read. Do check out my other blogs such as How to potty train your kid?
Growth parameters in 0-2 years kids.
Also, don’t forget to check out my books in case you have a young bookworm at home.