Hello everyone. Welcome to my website. Today I will be discussing how to manage Couvade syndrome, also known as sympathetic pregnancy. I recently watched a movie where a man was experiencing pregnancy symptoms and the end diagnosis was Couvade syndrome. And I was surprised because I had no idea about it. So I googled it and was amazed by the findings. So I decided to write an article on this topic. Hope that this article will amaze you.
Couvade syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy is the presence of pregnancy symptoms in men during their partners pregnancy. Men experience pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating along with their partner or pregnant wife. The good part is that these symptoms are temporary and don’t need any medical intervention in most cases.
Research is still going on this topic. It’s not a life-threatening condition and mostly symptoms disappear after the child is born.
When do Couvade symptoms start?
Couvade is not recognised as a disease or mental illness and there is not much research on it. But, as per the studies, the symptoms start at the end of the first trimester. In the second trimester, symptoms might disappear or decrease. Then the symptoms peak in the third trimester. After the birth of the child, the man gradually starts feeling better.
Did you notice, women start getting nausea and other symptoms in the first trimester. As the women start getting sick, men also start feeling sick. In the second trimester, women generally start feeling better and so does the man. Third trimester is the worst as every passing day is tough on a woman’s body. Couvade symptoms also get worse in this phase, but are not difficult to manage.
Did you notice some connection here? Can it be emotional? Or hormonal?
Reasons for couvade syndrome
According to experts, stress and empathy are the leading causes of couvade syndrome. Everyone knows that stress is not good for health. And it affects the human body so badly. Stress releases hormones and chemicals in the body which might create havoc. Testosterone levels decrease which might lead to increased or abnormally high levels of oestrogen hormone. Oestrogen hormone is an important hormone which regulates the menstrual cycle in females.
Pregnancy is difficult not only on the body, but also the mind. The men can get too attached to their partner and the whole pregnancy phase.
Couvade syndrome is mostly seen with couples expecting their first baby, couples who had experienced miscarriage or couples who had to go through infertility treatments. This anxiety or excitement can cause the symptoms in men.

Apart from that, couples start feeling anxious about finances and how they will manage hospital bills and baby expenses. This stress can also make men feel sick or experience couvade syndrome.
Some men become too attached to their partners pregnancy by going for all scans and tests, feeling the baby’s movements or heartbeats and going to prenatal classes together. These situations might bring them closer to their partner and start the symptoms.
Couvade syndrome is real
There is some connection between the symptoms experienced by women and their partners. Studies suggest hormonal changes or a feeling of empathy or sympathy to be the reason for couvade symptoms. Many might find it difficult to believe but Couvade symptoms are very real and not that rare. Many men experience the symptoms. For some, they are a reason of worry and they might seek medical help. While some men might not even notice and feel the sickness is due to stress or flu. If you or anyone in your circle is feeling the symptoms, go and meet your doctor. It is nothing to be ashamed or terrified of.
Do you know there is something called ‘phantom pregnancy’? Better not confuse sympathetic pregnancy and phantom pregnancy. Phantom pregnancy is the pregnancy type symptoms seen in women who are not really pregnant. This can happen due to an extreme desire to get pregnant or facing infertility treatments. In phantom pregnancy, women experience pregnancy symptoms such as
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Light periods or absence of periods
- Swollen breasts
- Feeling that there is some foetal movement in the belly
Symptoms of couvade
Women experience a range of symptoms during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time where the body undergoes numerous changes and so many unusual things become totally normal. There are a variety of symptoms experienced by men too in couvade. The changes occur both physically as well as mentally. Let’s check out some of them.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Stomach ache
- Bloating
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Changes in weight
- Changes in appetite
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Leg pain
- Backache
- Toothache
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Decreased sexual desires (reduced libido)
- Sleepless days and nights
Treatment for couvade syndrome
As already mentioned, there is not much research on this topic yet. So there are no definite treatment plans for couvade syndrome. Experts suggest that practising yoga and meditation might ease the symptoms. A stressed body and mind needs relaxation. So trying to have some peaceful, relaxing time is definitely a good idea.
Herbal teas or over the counter medications can be taken to ease nausea symptoms.
Exercise, walking and maintaining a healthy lifestyle should make life easy. But, if the symptoms don’t go even after all this and you are worried, please contact your healthcare provider or a therapist. It is not that difficult to manage Couvade syndrome.
If you or anyone you know is experiencing the symptoms of couvade syndrome, please don’t hesitate to contact a healthcare provider. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a very real problem experienced by many men around the world.
Do remember that the symptoms are temporary and mostly go away after the birth of the child.
I hope that this article was helpful and informative for you. Don’t shy from sharing the article with your friends.
For more details, you can check out the Couvade syndrome article by baby center.
You can check out my other blogs such as milestones for 0-1 year of your baby’s life.
If you have young ones at home, check out my books teaching some morals and values for life.