Welcome to my website. Have you ever thought of becoming a writer? Penning down your thoughts and turning them into books, articles or any informative sheets is a big task. And it requires writing skills. If you have the skills, there are numerous career options in writing. When I started writing, I researched a lot on the internet. I am grateful to all the writers who shared tips regarding the writing industry, which helped a lot in my journey. I have written books, blogs and health articles to sharpen my skills and flourish in my writing career. So, it is my responsibility to share what I have learned so far and help aspiring writers. Let’s explore the different careers you can build out of your writing skills.
Careers in writing
People often think that a career in writing makes you an author or journalist. You might be amazed to find out how many options you have. There are two main types of writing : fiction writing (creative writing) and non-fiction writing. Creative or fiction writers create a world of fiction in their minds and pen it down. Non-fiction writers write about facts such as memoirs, academic writing or journalism.
The term ‘author’ is used for people who have any books published under their name.
- Novelist : Novels are mostly a work of fiction with imaginary characters. A writer who creates stories as a novel is a novelist. There are different genres of writing such as romance, thriller, comedy, children’s books, horror, crime, religious, prose, sci-fi or erotica. You don’t need any certifications to become an author or novelist.
- Editor : No one is perfect in this world. When the writer has finished writing, it goes to the editor, who tries to improve the quality of the writing, reduce the word count, make it more engaging etc. Some certifications or training are needed for this role.
- Proofreader : Proofreader checks the final draft to make it free from errors. They check for spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. This job requires some skills, certifications and experience.
- Copywriter : A copywriter writes copy that is aimed at educating and influencing the audience so that they buy or subscribe to the product or services. Copy is a short form of content. A certification with experience and good communication skills is required to excel at this job. If you want more details on how to get started in this field, then check on this helpful article here.
- Content writer : Content writer writes content for blog posts, website pages, newsletters or social media posts. Content writers usually write long form posts. They have to do extensive research and verify that the article is factually correct. Certifications and good research with writing skills are desirable for this job. Check out this informative article if you are interested in this field.
- News writer : As the name suggests, a news writer writes about news around the world. It is non-fiction writing. They can be called reporters or journalists. Their duty is to report any event happening around. They can work for any television channel, radio station, magazines or newspaper. A degree in journalism is mostly required to enter this field. And they might specialise in different fields such as travel, entertainment, crime, investigative reporting, sports etc.
- Marketing : A job in marketing involves writing materials aimed at increasing the consumer base for the company. It is similar to the job of copywriters as both are aimed at influencing the audience to buy or subscribe to the product. A degree in marketing is preferred, along with exceptional communication skills.
- Grant writer : A grant writer is responsible for planning and writing a grant proposal for an organisation. Non-profit organisations need grants to function and here comes the writer who helps them get funds. These writers also explore various opportunities to get funds and they need good communication skills, experience and knowledge of the grant application process. If you are interested in this career, check out this article here.
- Proposal writer : Proposal writers write proposals that are persuasive in securing contracts with clients or organisations. They need to have exceptional writing skills, communication skills and knowledge of business. This job requires the skills to demonstrate the benefits of a business proposal or partnership.
- Technical writer : Technical writers work on manuals, journals or any documents that help the user when they use a specific product. Along with good writing skills, they should be able to simplify complicated data into words that the consumer understands. Whenever we buy anything, there is an instruction manual provided that is written by the technical writer. Check out an informative article here.
- Medical writer : If you belong to any medical field with good writing skills, then medical writing can be the job for you. Whenever new drugs are in the trial phase, they need a lot of paperwork such as clinical trial reports or other documents required before releasing the drug in the market. Medical writing also involves writing documents that demonstrate how a drug or medical device needs to be operated. For details on medical writing, click here.
- Health article writer : Health writers can be confused with medical writers as both of them deal with healthcare. Health writing involves writing articles that are aimed at educating people about health-related topics. Good writing skills and knowledge of medical terminology are essential to succeeding in this career. Check out this article for details.
- Blogger : Blog is an online platform where people can publish their stories or articles. You are here reading my blog on my website. Blogs can be written on various niches such as travel, healthcare, lifestyle, food, technical or educational. Bloggers need good writing skills, research skills and the ability to attract an audience.
- Scriptwriter : Scriptwriters write scripts for television shows, award shows, news reporting or drama. Good writing skills with experience of the likes and dislikes of the target audience are required to excel at this job.
- Ghostwriter : Ghostwriters are excellent writers with writing skills but they don’t get recognition for all their hard work. Politicians, movie stars or celebrities release books in their name, but they don’t actually write them. They hire ghost writers to do the writing part and pay them.
- Speech writers : Politicians or people in higher positions in organisations are used to giving speeches often. But, they also don’t write the speech on their own. They pay speech writers and just deliver the speech.
- Resume writers : Nowadays, resume writers are becoming popular. Any job aspirant has to create a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume and cover letter that highlight their qualifications, skills and professional experience. A resume writer helps in creating a professional resume that will help the candidate grab a job.

Tips to build a writing career
I have tried to list as many career options as possible. Now let’s talk about some tips on how to build a career in writing.
- Sharpen your writing skills : You must have heard of the proverb “Practice makes a man perfect.” If you believe you have exceptional writing skills, you need to sharpen them. You should read books regularly, try to write daily, try editing your work or attend writing workshops.
- Decide your niche : Now that you know there are so many options, choose a niche that suits your skills. You need to decide what form of writing interests you. This will give clarity and direction. Specialising in a particular area can be beneficial to improving skill sets.
- Education : Not all writing jobs require certifications, but it won’t hurt to get a degree related to your writing needs. If getting a degree from college is not possible, then check out online courses from Udemy or Coursera. Or get in touch with writers through social media groups and get enrolled in any workshops or classes. Check out some Fb groups such as SPF Community, Aspiring writers United, Writers helping writers.
- Gain experience: Having qualifications is just not enough. Gaining experience and sharpening your writing skills is equally important. Getting a job for freshers with no experience might be tough. So, you can try apprenticeships or internships that can provide experience and add weight to your resume. LinkedIn is a platform for professional networking. Try freelancing jobs if you are not securing a full-time job.
- Build a portfolio : As you gain experience and start having published works, get a portfolio of your best writing samples. It could include any published articles, blog posts, stories or anything relevant to showcase your skills. A strong portfolio is essential in securing writing jobs.
- Build a network : Try building a network within the writing community. If possible, attend writing conferences and join online writing communities. This will be beneficial in securing clients or writing jobs.
- Build a brand : As a writer, it is essential to build your brand. Try building a website where you can showcase your writing skills. They can also act as your portfolio. Promote yourself on social media accounts such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Click on these links to follow me on these channels to stay updated with my latest articles.
- Adapt to new technologies : Stay updated with the latest writing tools that can enhance your productivity and efficiency. There are numerous tools for writing ranging from grammar checkers to SEO-driven ones. This is a vast topic which I will try to cover in another blog. Grammarly, Hemingway editor, Semrush, market muse are a few of the tools popular in the writing community.
Writing is not an easy task. Everyone gets ideas, but only a few have the skills to pen them down. So, if a career in writing interests you, first find out what niche suits you. Experiment with various topics and you will have your answer. If possible, get a degree or certification. Then gain experience by starting with internships or unpaid jobs. This will help build your portfolio. Now, promote yourself via social media or your website and be consistent. Your hard work will pay off soon.
Check out my blog How to get published : Self publishing or Traditional publishing? if you are interested in becoming an author.
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Check out my books for young ones: Story time with proverbs, Story time with proverbs part-2.