Story time with proverbs series

Story time with proverbs
Story time with proverbs series is a combination of 2 books suitable for 5+ years kids.
Story time with proverbs has 8 short stories based on proverbs. This is the first book in the series.
Book is available only in India currently on Amazon, Flipkart, Google books & publisher site.
Download a sample of this book here.

The first book covers topics such as
- Importance of savings
- Bullying and its consequences
- Charity and its importance
- Importance of healthy body and mind.
- Why prevention is better than cure
- Having hope & positivity when difficult situations arise in life.
Story time with proverbs part-2 is a collection of 6 short stories based on proverbs. This is the second book in the series.
Book is available globally on amazon in paperback as well as kindle edition.
In India, it is also available on Flipkart, Google books & publisher site.
Story time with proverbs part-2
Download a sample of this book here.

The second book deals with social topics such as
- Water conservation and how we can reverse the process
- Effects of climate change and how we can prevent them
- Importance of following traffic rules,
- Importance of following hygiene and cleanliness for our as well as the planet’s benefit. All the topics are beautifully crafted in stories to have some lasting impact on young minds.
These books are an unique combination of morals with proverbs aimed at making the kids responsible human beings.
Vocabulary section has meaning of some words used in story. Thus strengthening vocabulary of young ones. Ideally, this book is for kids 5+ years of age. But due to vocabulary section, even young kids can have a go. It is a necessity to make the kids aware of such topics .

The stories also have activity section such as question -answer, true-false and fill in the blanks. This gives an idea how much the kid has grasped from the story.

Story time with proverbs part -2 also has colouring and tracing activities to engage kids. This book is engaging as well as fun for kids.

Story time with proverbs series are written by an author who is a parent herself. She believes books are better than gadgets. The colourful illustrations which beautifully relate to the storyline are sure to excite the young readers.
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